The Petrodollar phenomenon, analyzed recently by the Forex Blog, is now beginning to play out in real time. Last week, several high-ranking officials from the government and Central Bank of Bahrain, a small Mid East island-nation, publicly criticized the region’s collective policy of pegging their respective currencies to the USD. As a result of this and similar comments by officials from nearby countries, a flood of speculative capital has poured into the country as well as the region at large, betting that a change in the forex regime will take place as soon as next week. Now, countries such as the Bahrain are on the defensive, trying to hold down their currencies until a decision can be made. The Economic Times reports:

“Their speculation will not yield the gains they expect.” Bahrain's central bank threatened to take action against anyone betting on dinar appreciation and accused foreign banks of spreading revaluation rumours.

Read More: UAE warns markets against betting on dirham revaluation


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